Hey guys I have some very sad news that i honestly dont know how to really explain but......my dad passed away on the 4th of july in his sleep. Some believes its a heart attack and some believes its because of alchohol. I honestly cant believe he is gone because i already lost my mother at the age of 4. Im 15 now and all of a sudden its my dad. Ive lived with him literally all of my life and to have this happen so fast, seriously hurt. I can take alot of pain for a guy and i even managed to keep my emotions together even after i was the one to find him. If theres any emotion that compares to seeing your own parent dead in your bed well it must be serious bc thats definetly heartbreaking. I dont really know what to do but i just need to rest and breathe for a while. I found him dead about 5 and a half hours ago. So yea.....bye guys <3
