Goodness golly! I took some time to update this place!

Here's what I attempted to do.

[Improved] Load speeds (or at least attempted to)
[Added] the ability to comment on albums, and multi images.
[Added] filter comments, top and latest.
[Added] the ability for furs to comment on post before sharing it.
[Added] Colored post system! Much like FB's with the gradient and all (currently disabled. I may enable this later in time as well as other pending features like a gift system, etc..)
[Other] Lots of other under-the-hood stuff as well as general bug fixes.
[Other] Stuff I'm sure I've forgotten to mention. Little side improvements, features, bugs, etc.
[Change] Made Events & Products pages accessible without being logged in.

Thanks to those who've stuck around long enough to be reading this as it's posted!
