There is an issue currently acknowledged in regards to profile Privacy Settings. This issue does not put anyone in danger, but it does cause confusion when a member has their Privacy Settings set to accept Private Messages from "No body".

When a profile sets their Privacy Settings to accept messages from "No body", they will still be able to send messages to members of the site who are accepting messages, however, these members will not be able to reply to the message(s) sent, and will only be able to read them using the full-window messaging system. You'll know when this is the case, if the chat box for the messages is marked as disabled (your cursor will change into a red circle with a red line through it over the text box). The chat pop-up will also refuse to pop up when a chat is clicked.

A fix is being looked into ASAP and it could be some time until then. For the mean time, it is advised to keep this privacy setting set to "Friends" instead of "No body" if you are still wanting to message people on the network whom you are friends with. Alternatively if you wish to not receive or send messages to anyone, the feature "No body" is currently your best option.

If you have any questions or concerns, direct those at SeiRruf Wilde as comments for this post have been disabled.

P.S. A fix for the expanding message box while typing a large post like this one is also being looked into. It's very annoying and I have no clue how it has gone unnoticed this long.
