I hope that the cover of this one isn't too spicy to post here; feel free to whack me with the nearest rolled up newspaper if so. This is an important piece, however.
I also managed to acquire a comic called SKUNK that I have been hunting for since I learned about its existence. SKUNK was published in December 1993 by MU Press (same publishers as WILD!, ZU, etc).
This comic received an extremely angry response from the furry community when it was released.
You see, the title of the comic, SKUNK, is short for the anti-furry slur of 1980's-1990's: "Skunk F---er". The comic contained several strips inside that portrayed furries as poorly-socialized, immature, sex-obsessed creeps.
The photo next to the cover I've included is from the strip titled "The Fur Flies to France" which was based on a real life trip that Steve Gallacci, Jim Groat, Fred Patten, Monika Livingstone, Dwight Decker, etc. too to a convention in France. It shows a character describing the comics of a character called "Ted" who represented Steve Gallacci, the creator of the Albedo furry comic series.
MU Press claimed that this comic was satire only, but many in the furry community took this to be an extremely mean spirited attack piece from a previously furry-friendly publisher, with many on the alt.fan.furry Usenet group swearing they'd never again buy another MU Press comic.
SeiRruf Wilde
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